Tuesday, October 24, 2006

"The Secret"

I am not a big fun of buying information over the Internet. There is too much fluff lying around that might look great from a marketing standpoint, but has no tangible value. However, recently, while surfing the net, I was introduced to a movie called "The Secret". I bought a copy.

What an amazing and motivational movie. To me it was the first and probably the best introduction into the concept of the "Law of Attraction". Since then I have researched the topic and found literally tonnes of information (if one would want to print it), and yet I would argue this is the fullest, the most visual and convincing piece. It is also amazing that my previous post was so close in content to what is being discussed in the movie. They actually sell gratitude rocks (Anger management pens, anybody).

I have tried the "Law of Attraction" on a couple of small things (easiest to set the untrained mind into). It worked wonderfully although I had to adjust a couple of rules. Below I am presenting the "Success Recipe" for me, the way I understand it today. As I understand more I will augment the recipe.

The Recipe:

  1. Figure out what is it that you want in your life right now. This is the most important step -if one cannot decide on what one wants, one cannot strongly believe in achieving that. It is also easier to start with tangible quantities things - it is easier to train the mind to visualise them.
  2. Ask the "universe" for what you want. The affirm it to yourself as though you already have it. Just like they suggest: "I am so happy and grateful now that" _____fill in the blank. Always formulate only positive statements - statements like: " I am so happy and grateful now that I do not get that bill every month" DO NOT work.
  3. Visualise what you want as if you already have it. This should bring the filling of joy. If you need some aids to do that (e.g. writing yourself a cheque) do it.
  4. Believe that the "Law of Attraction" works for you. Have a highest sort of belief that what you want is right for you and what you are doing is right. Do not let anyone bring you down.
  5. Be grateful of what you already have. Say it to yourself - this is a key to positive thinking and happiness.
  6. Think only in positive terms, and have patience (hardest one for me)
  7. Repeat 2,3, 4, and 5 each day - may be several times a day. In between let go, and try not to concern yourself with it.
  8. In many cases the things that you want will not manifest themselves. It could be that you will suddenly be presented with an idea of how to get what you want. You have to go and implement that idea with no hesitation. You have to believe that you are going in the right direction even though you can experience some failure in the process.
  9. If failure happens
  • Do not play victim - it is so easy to do that, I did not even realise how often I did that
  • Do not blame yourself - failure is an event, not a person.
  • Do not blame others (this will erode your believe and positive mindset)
  • Learn from the failure and forget it. Continue going forward. Believe in overall success.

End of Recipe

Last Saturday, Child Education Fund agent visited us, to create a policy for my daughter. It turns out that he knows all about the movie, and actually uses it as a training material for his sales people. The concepts presented in "the Secret" are very well suited for motivating sales teams - tangible things are easier to visualise and believe in. It is interesting, how many people know and use this on a daily basis?


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